RedLynx values an attitude of exploration and daring solutions that deviate from the usual way of doing things. Making outstanding games that surprise our players means continuously enhancing our current skills and learning new ones. We sat down with a bunch of RedLynxians and had a chat about growing and developing at our studio.
Staying on top of your job expertise
“Learning and sharing knowledge with each other is one of our guiding principles”, says Liljaana Lähteenkorva, our Talent Manager. “We recently re-launched our sharing sessions, one of our many peer-learning initiatives where the entire studio gathers to listen to engaging presentations given by colleagues. We also encourage team members to take courses hosted by external platforms or Ubisoft’s own learning tool.
”Challenging yourself and remaining on the very top of your job expertise are the core ingredients that characterize the expected performance at RedLynx,” Liljaana adds. “To support this, all our team members can use at least one hour per week for skill development in their chosen area. Some focus on learning even more if it’s needed in their role.”
Strong learning culture
Our Technical Art Director Antti Veräjänkorva also mentions that knowledge sharing is a powerful tool for engagement and one of RedLynx’s unique assets, especially since team members can draw on the vast resources of the Ubisoft family. “Learning is truly seen as a benefit,” says Antti. “I had the chance to visit the Montreal, Canada, studio on a learning excursion and in our Helsinki studio I run a Shader tutorial.”
Niklas Tammpere, one of our newest Animators, recognized from day one that learning and development are highly encouraged—and supported. For ages, he’s secretly wanted to sharpen his skills in scripting and programming. He is currently learning the intermediary foundation of C#, which, he says, is helpful because if he needs to check out a programmer’s script it’s no longer gibberish.
Bloom where you are planted
The gaming industry is fueled by passion, says Associate Producer Alex Rosu: “And it’s essential as a manager that I don’t destroy that flame.” Alex likens his approach to that of a coach. “As a lead, I take it upon myself to provide clarity and remove barriers. Knowledge is all around us. When a team member identifies a challenge in their expertise, I do the due diligence and support them with finding the next best step.” This could be reading a book, taking a course or participating in a Ubisoft knowledge session, he says.
“All our team members can use at least one hour per week for skill development in their chosen area.”
Dani Jompero so happens to have a manager who adds fire to his flame. “Prior to working as a Junior Game Designer, I was self-training. My manager urged me to enlist the help of a mentor so that I could grow into the game design role.” Dani refers to himself as a life-long learner and is eager to tap into all the training tools and resources available. “The sharing and mentorship culture at RedLynx contributes to my journey in game design. It’s a winning situation for me.”

Global network
The biggest plus for these Redlynxians? Hands down it’s the opportunity to work in a company with team members spanning the globe. This can happen in either the various co-dev projects or through simply tapping into the vast knowledge of our peers.
The world is my oyster, says Antti: “Say I have a programming issue. I contact a programmer in North America and we jump on Teams to resolve the bug,” he says. “There’s also a sense of trust that goes with extracting knowledge from the diverse talents from within as opposed to going to a random forum to get an answer.”
Alex adds that working in a large company instills a mindset of success. “You’re only one email or log in away from information. There’s an unwritten trust factor. What you say has to be good. And to get that validation from your peers is huge.”
“Knowledge sharing is one of RedLynx’s unique assets”
Career-wise Alex says the opportunity to accelerate his career in different Ubisoft studios is nothing short of amazing. “Not only can I apply for a project in another studio in another country, but I can also define the next steps of my career path,” he says. “Do I want to specialize and be tech-focused or do I want to develop my leadership skills? The choice is mine.”
International mobility is a key element in RedLynx’s talent development. As Antti points out, before you become that person, you need to be that person. “There’s a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips—either online or in-person. So get your feet wet at your home studio first.”
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